
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Who Needs Cooler Inventions?

After watching that particular video, I was extremely amused. I totally agree with Louis C.K about how people react to technology today. However in a way, I am also sort of a hypocrite. I instantly related to when the Louis said that people these days are impatient with networks. I think people react this way because they don’t actually know how it works and what the product has to go through in order to be in their hands. People definitely take high-tech products for granted.

I must confess that I am a constant user of technology. Every single day I must go onto the computer (Typing units is so much faster than writing!), watch the television before I go to sleep, and occasionally, I listen to my ipod. An individual may think that the amount of energy that they waste isn’t as much, however if you were to calculate how much energy the entire earth wastes, I’m sure that you’d be in for a surprise. Technology is so important to the public today. It is truly a modern addiction. Almost every single month I see a new type of invention on the internet. It seems as if nothing is good enough o be done manually. I thought that technology was supposed to help those who were in need, such as wheelchairs. No matter what, our society just can’t get enough.


Blogger Belinda said...

Yeah, I kind of feel like a hyporcrite to because I constantly
use technology. You're right, it's so much easier typing units than actually writing them. I think that just shows how much we rely on technology! I don't think there is ever a day i don't use technology. It's unfortunate to say, but it's true.


June 5, 2009 at 3:16 AM  
Blogger hannahlee said...

I completely agree with the points you have made. Life sure is much more convenient, thanks to technology.
I don't think it is negative that society is constantly wanting newer, better or faster products. If there were no demands, than new advancements wouldn't be made.

June 8, 2009 at 7:03 AM  
Blogger rosemary said...

I totally agree with the points you are adressing in your blog. It is true that technology has many benefits and our lifestyle would be drastically changed without it. Sometimes, I find myself totally consumed in the techonlogies that I have that sometimes I wish that technology did not exist. You did a great job!

June 8, 2009 at 8:22 AM  

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