
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow! That's Eccentric!

This year, I was lucky to have participated in Mary Ward’s art show. For some strange reason however, I seemed to help out more last year, than this year. This year’s theme absolutely complimented the type on artwork that I usually create. With my first year learning in about Communications Technology, I was extremely excited to show people my work. Sadly, I wasn’t able to go through the entire art show this year. The only part that I recall seeing was the dimmed hallways filled with the grade 10 art students’ lanterns. It was spectacular! I almost felt like I was inside another building.
One thing that could have been improved for the art show this year was the authority of seeing the art itself. I don’t think it was quite fair for the artists to have to pay to see their classmates’ artwork. I was extremely disappointed because I didn’t have the opportunity to see my own artwork when it was on display. Perhaps next year the art students will have a better opportunity. In addition, I am very proud of Mr. Notten and Ms. Arturi for maintaining the level of astonishment for this year’s grade 9 project. The skulls were absolutely eccentric, and I can’t wait to see what kind of projects they have in store for the next set of grade nines!

Who Needs Cooler Inventions?

After watching that particular video, I was extremely amused. I totally agree with Louis C.K about how people react to technology today. However in a way, I am also sort of a hypocrite. I instantly related to when the Louis said that people these days are impatient with networks. I think people react this way because they don’t actually know how it works and what the product has to go through in order to be in their hands. People definitely take high-tech products for granted.

I must confess that I am a constant user of technology. Every single day I must go onto the computer (Typing units is so much faster than writing!), watch the television before I go to sleep, and occasionally, I listen to my ipod. An individual may think that the amount of energy that they waste isn’t as much, however if you were to calculate how much energy the entire earth wastes, I’m sure that you’d be in for a surprise. Technology is so important to the public today. It is truly a modern addiction. Almost every single month I see a new type of invention on the internet. It seems as if nothing is good enough o be done manually. I thought that technology was supposed to help those who were in need, such as wheelchairs. No matter what, our society just can’t get enough.

Do Cell Phones Rule Your School?

Oh, the good old cell phone. I remember when I was in grade six and I desperately wanted one. When I think about it now, I barely even needed it! That’s why sometimes I think that people only use cell phones because they think it’s cool, and not necessarily because they need it. I am completely aware of the cell phone usage in Mary Ward. However, I feel that I see more ipods and mp3 players being used by the students. I personally believe that the students who are texting in between and during classes are simply informing their friends where they are. I doubt that anyone would text an entire conversation throughout a whole period. That would just be a complete waste of time!

I also think that when students are at school, they should turn their cell phones on silent or vibrate, since ring tones can sometimes be a distraction. I remember a time when I was writing a test, and someone’s ring tone went off. I lost complete track of my test. Of course, it didn’t affect my mark at all, however it could have affected how long it took me to write it. This leads me to what I think people should consider when using a cell phone in public…

1) Be aware of how loud you are speaking: No one wants a screaming person beside them in a library.
2) Set your alert tones accordingly: Teachers don’t want to hear what song you’ve been replaying over and over again.
3) Be aware of the type of language that you are using: Can you imagine someone cussing while they’re around your younger sibling?
4) Only bring your cell phones to appropriate places: If you don’t talk on the phone during church, why bring it in the first place?
5) Keep calls limited: Spend the day with someone instead of talking to them for 24 hours a day.

Colossal U Add Campaign

When I first saw the two advertisements of Colossal U Add Campaign, I thought that it must have been a strategy. I thought that maybe the ad would be horrible, but the actually site wouldn’t. When I finally visited the site, it was a regular looking page filled with tonnes of information. Suddenly, I saw a girl appear on screen and the entire website page changed. I thought that this add was absolutely brilliant. It definitely seems that the only way to get someone’s attention in this century is by trash-talking. Perhaps, if the public see the Colossal U ads, it will seem more intriguing, since it is talking negatively about a University. The entire concept of the advertisements was incredibly strategic.